Passion (Palm) Sunday – 28th March 2010

We enter Holy Week. We do so as a humbled church, mindful of the many falls that have taken place. There is something in this week calling us back to our roots. Those roots are found in a borrowed upper room, where Jesus took what was ordinary – bread and wine – and transformed it so that it was for those around the table, as it is for us today and for all the generations in between, the “Bread of Life”. They were reminded and called to “do this in memory” of him. They did and we do. Those roots too, show us one called “Lord”, “Master”, “Teacher” kneel at the feet of his guests, pour water from a jug and clean what had become dirty, soothe what had become sore and above all, give a lesson in humility. Those roots take us to a garden and a troubled prayer – “if it be possible, let this cup pass me by”. Those roots take us to a friend turned traitor who betrays the Lord with a kiss. We find ourselves too in an unjust courtroom, where a judge goes against his better judgement and loses his voice and courage in the midst of an angry and roaring crowd. There are scatterings and gatherings – scattering of the disciples and gathering of thieves. People lost and people found. There will be a darkness over the whole land, a veil torn in two and the compassion of a man who offers his grave as a resting place. A temporary one though; for there will be a Sunday morning, a stone rolled back, a vision of angels, a gardener, a meeting on the road to Emmaus, a shared meal and a moment of recognition.

Yes, Holy Week is a week that calls for Holiness. May we be made holy through our participation in and celebration of these days, the remembering and re-telling of a Sacred story and a true sense of sorrow for past mistakes and hurts. May we find new vision and new purpose and, with hearts renewed, set out to tell all – “it is true, he is risen”.

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