I had a call the other day from Newstalk 106-108 FM to see if I would say a few words around my experience in Maynooth.  The researcher told me they wanted to get some views from people who had been in the college. The interview was to be live on Saturday morning but I explained that I would not be at home at that stage so they asked if I’d pre-record a piece.  I agreed and hoped it would be okay.

I received a link to a PODCAST of the interview.  Listening back to it, I think it reflects how I felt and feel about Maynooth.  Were there a regret for me, it might lie in my not acknowledging therein the hurt experienced by some, as mentioned in recent days. In no way, would I want to take away from anyone’s hurt or experience but, in fairness to Sarah Carey, she wanted my own views around my experience of being in Maynooth, albeit thirty years ago now. Those memories are and thankfully, in the main, happy memories of decent people and a place that sought to do its best.  I’ve no doubt there were days I’d have been fed up, at a bit of a low but overall I have never regretted my decision to go to Maynooth.

Thought I might share the link here.  I hope the words were helpful


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