On a mission

On a mission

Some months ago a classmate of mine in the Diocese of Derry asked if I’d conduct a Mission in his parish.  Though my initial email was to thank him for asking me and saying that I’d think about it, the reply was thanking me for agreeing to do it!!!  I must be more clear in my email:)

Anyway, it’s happening.  The parish is Castlederg in Co. Tyrone.  There are three churches in the parish but the “Mission” is in the Parish Church.  That’s a good idea and leads to a better experience of congregation.  Very good experience, I have to say.  It’s an impressive display of faith and pride in the parish, and I’m glad to be part of it.

The theme is “Our Lady Undoer Of Knots”

So, for now a prayer that all goes well and, in time, I’ll let you know how it goes!!

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