Domine Quo Vadis (Lord where are you going?)

Domine Quo Vadis (Lord where are you going?)

Quo vadis Domine?

Domine quo vadis?

I mentioned this Church today in the few words I used at Mass.  I visited here many years ago with Albert McDonnell and it remains with me as one of my favourite churches in Rome, not least because its size is more manageable and in keeping with the churches we know.  Rome is full of huge churches, steeped in history and faith but sometimes they can be overpowering.  This little church, give or take, could be found in any parish in Ireland but has a wonderful story.  It’s said that St Peter met Jesus on the spot where this church is built.  Peter was, at the time, fleeing Rome for fear of persecution.  He asked Jesus “where are you going Lord?” and Jesus said that he was going into Rome to be crucified again.  Peter turned on the spot and returned to Rome and to martyrdom.  My memory was a little flawed since I thought the footprint tracks left in the church were those of Peter.  I now realise they are the footprints of Jesus.  The point is the same, nonetheless, there are moments in life when Faith calls us to turn back for the greater good.


Carrots offered – trust may follow

Carrots offered – trust may follow


Meet my neighbour! She’s arrived again, about two weeks now and shares her space and days with another horse under the watchful gaze and occasional, intentionally menacing, bark from a territorial and jealous Alpha:)

I like horses though I know little about them. I’ve tried to get to know this one and her companion the only way I know – carrots! Moderate progress to date, the carrots have been taken. I think we’re still working on Trust. Maybe they associate me with Alpha’s less than GATHERING ways! On the other hand, they’re probably right – it’s one thing to offer a carrot but another to show true loyalty. We’ll see how it goes.

I know enough about horses to recognise and look forward to the not too distant day when there will be a smaller horse in the field beside my house. I know!! A FOAL:)

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