First Sunday of Lent
Last year I bought a ukelele and, since then have tried to learn a few tunes. Some with more success than others and some were absolute failures. One piece of…
Vincent Sherlock - thoughts on the journey
Last year I bought a ukelele and, since then have tried to learn a few tunes. Some with more success than others and some were absolute failures. One piece of…
When I was in Kilmovee Parish, an astro pitch was developed close to the parochial house. Shortly after the pitch came into use, I met a man from the parish.…
“Though I am not religious ……” it’s amazing how many people feel the need to preface a statement with these words. I always find it a bit sad, especially when…
The ashes have been washed off. What is left of the gesture? The gesture of being signed with the Cross is an important one. It speaks of awareness that we…
It seems like just last week ….. To the people of the Tubbercurry Cloonacool Parish and the virtual parish that joins us via social media Three years ago I moved…
THE CROSS ON THE LOAF A memory; she would work hastily, faithfully and with purpose …. kneaded and needed bread – the constant provider not shop bought, from tradition taught…
Heard this tune on radio last Sunday morning. I mentioned it at Masses that day. The Lord, in last Sunday’s Gospel passage, invites the disciples to come away to a…
This space has been part of my life for many years and, in recent times, I have been neglecting it. Like all untended gardens, the weeds begin to flourish and…