Daily Lenten Thought March 17th

Daily Lenten Thought March 17th

Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Earlier today I had a Wedding Mass.  Shortly before the Mass I met a couple whose Wedding Mass I celebrated just over two years ago.  I asked them what I should say to the couple. The wife said I should tell them to “Never loose the spark.  To talk always and to arrange a DATE NIGHT, once a month, where they can go out together, be alone with no mobiles or distractions and just be together”.  I looked at the husband, “Well?” I asked.  “Tell him to get a good pair of ear plugs!  And don’t ever talk about the in-laws, it always ends up badly!”

I told them I’d share this with the couple getting married.  I don’t think they believed me but share it I did.  As I hoped, people laughed but, in fairness there was something in it I suppose.  The need to keep communication and excitement alive in the relationship and also, maybe at times, to close your ears to things that might lead to conflict or difficulty.

I went on to say that I also wanted to share a second thought. I called to a house where an elderly lady had dropped dead. Her husband was devastated.  He told me that he’d never forget her and though he had great neighbours and family, nobody would ever replace his wife.  “We were great friends”, he told me “and we knew each others’ ways.”  I have never forgotten this nor the look in his eyes as he spoke these words to me.  She died on their 42nd Wedding Anniversary and to be able to say after four and more decades that your wife is “your best friend” has to be as good as it gets.

Between the advice of the two year couple and the witness of the 42 year couple, I think there was something for my wedding couple today.

Maybe there’s something for us all.  That’s the thought …. be grateful for the friend who knows your ways and is still your friend.

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