Stepping into Spring

Tuesday next is the Feast of the Presentation in the Temple.  It’s a quiet day, passing without much fuss or attention but is hugely important.  The day remembered, reminds us of the  taking of the child Jesus to the temple in accordance with the traditions of the Jewish people.  It reminds us of the  ordinariness of the “family” of Nazareth.  They did as all did – honoured God and invited Him to be part of their lives.  A new child, a new beginning, a step into the future and a respect for the past are all part of this day.  

It’s not unlike the bringing of a baby for baptism.  Many of you have waked that walk, carrying your newborn to the church so that he or she may be welcomed into God’s family and become part of something very special.  

One of the lovely features of the Presentation in the Temple is the meeting of generations.  We have a young couple with their infant son, an elderly man and an elderly woman.  They are brought into conversation and relationship by their gathering in church.  This is surely a model for parish life and our       involvement in the church.  Surely it needs to be a place where the generations feel welcome, wanted and needed. 

As we gather then, this weekend, we might take notice of those around us.  Who do we see?  Babies in their parents’ arms,  toddlers, young children, teenagers, married couples, single men and women and some of our older parishioners.  We see them together and we are together with them.  As it should be!


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