Words later ….

Words later ….

Just did a search for one of my favourite Christmas Carols (if not my FAVOURITE!!), Silent Night.  There are countless versions of it available but this one seemed appropriate.  We just have the music for now … the words come later.  Enjoy and prepare for the hearing of the words – the message!


Christmas Eve Truce (1914)

Christmas Eve Truce (1914)

This is a beautiful song, based on an all too true story.  The date (1915) is a mistake in the recording since it would have been Christmas Day 1914 but that’s by the way …..  God rest all who have lost their lives in the futility of war and God bless all who have allowed themselves be touched by The Christmas Story …


I’m dreaming of ……

I’m dreaming of ……

notdreamingWoke up this morning to discover snow outside (well better than discovering it inside I suppose!!) and it was strange, since last night at a dinner, a number of us discussed Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” and wondered if it is still the best selling single of all time (bit of research on that just now suggests that Elton John’s “Candle In The Wind” has displaced it ….) and there was a strong feeling that whether or not Bing’s classic has outsold all others, that the desire for a “White Christmas” was not a real one for most people.

Certainly it’s not for me.  I like the snow in photos and have managed to capture a few images though the years but once the picture is taken, the snow is welcome and encouraged to leave!  I don’t like the way it makes travel difficult since Christmas, in my book, is very much a time for visiting and being visited.

Snow aside, what about the dreams?  What am I dreaming of this Christmas?  I was in school earlier today (Kilkelly) and some of the children told me of their letters to Santa.  It’s always so nice to hear them speak of these letters and to see the expectation and hope in their eyes and hear it in their voices as they recall what they’ve asked for.  It’s likely most of their wishes will come true.  What of ours?

I’d like to dream of peace for all.  It’s difficult to understand why there is so much conflict and stress in the lives of people.  I’m not talking about “World Peace” but that peace that makes us feel good about ourselves, at one with people that matter and at home when at home.  World peace comes from that – from a desire for local peace, family peace, personal peace ….  Michael Jackson, for all is strange ways, had it so right when he said if the world is to be a better place we need to start with “the man in the mirror”.


I dream of a coming home for Christmas – when people will not just come to church for Mass but come home to the faith and find there again, a renewed hope and sense of call.

I dream of hope for our country and its people and especially hope for those who may now feel a deep sense of hopelessness.

I dream of Pope Francis continuing to breathe again life and enthusiasm into our church by making it that “hospital for sinners” he speaks of whereby people feel wanted and welcome, needed and nurtured, challenged and changed …. where people belong.

I dream of becoming more energised myself, making more of an effort to reach out to people in the parish and beyond in whatever way is best and most appropriate.

I dream of laughter, music, song, story, joy ……

I dream …………………. but I don’t want snow 🙂

Nelson Mandela R.I.P.

Nelson Mandela R.I.P.

Dolores Keane sings “Lion in a cage” – a tribute to Nelson Mandela who died on December 5th, 2013


Some gathered quotes from Mandela are gathered here

Mandela remembered ….


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