This is the man …
Today is Vocations Sunday. On Saturday last, I had Mass in Urlaur. It was a Month’s Mind Mass for a lady named Gertie Duffy, R.I.P. I mentioned that I went…
Vincent Sherlock - thoughts on the journey
Today is Vocations Sunday. On Saturday last, I had Mass in Urlaur. It was a Month’s Mind Mass for a lady named Gertie Duffy, R.I.P. I mentioned that I went…
Just caught closing minutes of a documentary on Joan Baez and this song featured. I’d never heard it before. Glad I heard it today. “GOD IS GOD” (Lyrics) (Steve Earle)…
Following on from the few words posted for this weekend around the Road FROM Emmaus, I thought I’d re-post an entry from some time ago. There is a link! ________________________…
“The disciples told their story …..” There’s something fresh and wonderful about that. It’s like being at a movie or out for a meal and wanting to share that moment…
There’s a sense of church at its best going on this weekend. It’s that early enthusiastic excitement of a new relationship or hobby. We’ve got all the gear and are…
Hello again! Today’s “stats” tell me that there have been 238625 views of this blog since its first day out! There have been 525 comments made (on-line) and thankfully many…
I heard a story once shared by the late Archbishop Joe Cassidy that might have a place in today’s liturgy. He spoke about his childhood days in Charlestown, Co. Mayo…
Dear Pilate, Not sure how you’ll receive this letter but I think I know you well enough to know you’ll read it. That would be the Judge in you –…
Dear Judas, Did you ever think it would come to this? When I asked you to follow me and you left family and friends to walk in my steps, did…
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