June 2016

Time shared …

Earlier today I met some cousins who are visiting from USA. We arranged to meet at Knock Shrine and had lunch together. Some I’d have known from before, with others…

Two Legends

Watched a documentary on Johnny Cash the other evening. It was called “Hello, I’m Johnny Cash”. It was very good. I liked one piece where Kris Kristofferson talked about Johnny…

Back at base ….

A visitor to the blog wondered if I’d become a “Kiltegan Priest” given that I’d mentioned Kiltegan in the last few posts. I’m back in Kilmovee and have no desire…

It’s been four years

Maynooth Union This week I’m in Kiltegan at a Priests’ Retreat. Earlier in the week priests from all over Ireland, indeed the world, would have gathered in Manooth to celebrate…


Decided to pay a visit to Glendalough yesterday. Finished afternoon talk here in Kiltegan and, the evening being good, thought it a good place to go for a while. The…


Have been in Kiltegan these days – another retreat, this time with the priests of St Patrick’s Missionary Society. It’s a lovely place and a great group of people, around…