Oh, for a quiet place

Where do I find a quiet place
to spend some time with the Lord?
Is there a monastery or an island
that I can escape to, so that
distractions are limited, time is given and He is met?
Must I abandon my family, my responsibility, my job?
Do I need to set hours or days aside?
Where is the quiet place?

Maybe it’s everyplace!
First thought of the day or last one at night!
The children dropped off at school and Mass at 9.30.
Maybe it’s turning off the radio for a few minutes
or leaving down the phone.
It could just be a few words, thoughts – prayer.

There’s no doubt, it’s needed.
To clear the head, free the mind
open the heart, nourish the Soul.

It can be as organised as a pilgrimage
or as unplanned as a hiccup but, be sure of this,
it is necessary.

Take a minute or two in the days to come.
The difference.

(VS July 22nd 2018)


By Vincent

One thought on “A Quiet Place”
  1. A lovely reflection Fr Vincent so much needed in this fast moving world where time for people is becoming very scarce. Spread the word is the best we can do.

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