Friday After Ash Wednesday

I just had a wedding here.  A young couple, so clearly happy to be getting married and to have the support of their family, friends and parish around them.  I like days like these!

Heading to the reception shortly but will have to leave it to go to a funeral here in the parish.  A woman died suddenly and unexpectedly during the week.  I saw her at Mass on Sunday last and never, for a second, imagined it to be her last Sunday Mass with us.  From now on she will be caught up in the prayers we offer for the dead – in that way, she will continue to be part of our gathering.  I don’t like days like these so much.

Is there a thought here?  Maybe it’s around accepting what the day brings in the knowledge that the hand and heart of God are to be found both in joy and sorrow – in beginnings and endings.  It’s the same day.

I think I like that idea.

By Vincent