Going out the same way we came in

Thought form this week’s Parish Bulletin

During the week, I visited a home where a new born baby had arrived. His mother, was sitting beside me, holding her little boy and I took his foot in my hand.

It seemed so small and yet everything it needed to be was there. Perfection. It made me think a little about life, how precious it is and about the need to do all in our power to protect it.

I thought afterwards about the Referendum last year and yes, of course the voting is done and the laws are changed, but there’s something still being said to us about the need to respect and value life from conception to natural death. Maybe we are being even more challenged now to do the right thing by the unborn since the Law allows for decisions to be taken, without fear of the Law, to end the life of another. In these circumstances, the choice for life is even more wonderful and, looking at that young mother the other day, and seeing the absolute joy beaming from her face, I can’t help but think it is a noble choice to share life with and for another.

This weekend’s Gospel is speaking to us about life; how it always must be recognised as God’s gift to us and must never be taken for granted.

By Vincent