A neighbour laid to rest
Earlier today we celebrated Mass in St Patrick’s Church, Gurteen for Seán Taheny, R.I.P. Seán’s house was like an extension of ours when we were growing up and his children…
Vincent Sherlock - thoughts on the journey
Earlier today we celebrated Mass in St Patrick’s Church, Gurteen for Seán Taheny, R.I.P. Seán’s house was like an extension of ours when we were growing up and his children…
Every best wish to you all for the year ahead. Thanks for dropping in during 2012. Hopefully 2013 will give us the chance to share a few more thoughts, tunes,…
YOU CAN PICK YOUR FRIENDS ………. This is sometimes quoted when there’s trouble of one kind or another within a family and concludes with “ but you can’t pick your…
I like the togetherness of this
I received two emails in the past few days that I thought I might share here. One was from a cousin and her husband who are living in Canada. I…
Just want to wish you all a very Holy and Peaceful Christmas. Will remember you and your intentions during Christmas Masses. Thanks for your friendship and support during the year.…
People can find this a lonely time of year. This is, needless to say, very understandable since, for some, it may be the first Christmas a family comes to terms…
Certainly there's scarcely a school or church in the country that hasn't been transformed into the Bethlehem Stable or soon will be. It's the time for Nativity Plays and nobody…
John McGahern once wrote a piece about a replacement priest that came to his home parish. I came across it again this evening, while looking through some bits and pieces…
FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT I’m just in from 10am Mass here in Kilmovee and thought I’d put a few lines here. I was speaking today about getting ready for Christmas…