Wind beneath my wings

Wind beneath my wings

Today is Ascension Day – when we recall Jesus’ leaving this earth’s surface to be drawn into the Heavens.  It’s a moment of separation and a moment of promise.

In recent days we have heard much talk about the Boeing 767 making its way around the West Coast of Ireland from its home in Shannon, Co. Clare to its new home in Enniscrone, Co. Sligo.  The story has captured people’s imaginations and, quite literally, thousands of people watched its journey.

The story had its genesis in the mind of a local man, David McGowan, who saw the plane being transformed from a parked and empty shell to become a home where people could camp, enjoy Co. Sligo and explore the West of Ireland.  The idea took root, form and shape and is well on the way now to being realised.

As the plane made its way along the West Coast, carried on a barge brought in from Southampton the thing that struck me most was the “clipped” wings.  The plane could never fly again.  I imagine its engines too have been decommissioned but even if they’re not, without wings, there’s no more flying for #planesailing or #767Enniscrone as it became known on Twitter.

That image of wings sits well with today’s Feast Day.  Wings of prayer.  Wings of Old and New Testament, wings of Faith that allow us rise above our doubts and darkness to see what may have become blurred and find what may have been lost.

As the plane made its final journey into Enniscrone last night, there was a waiting involved – waiting for the “high tide” that would allow the plane be “beached”.  I’ve no doubt there was gratitude for that high tide and you’d like to think David and all there, found time to say “thanks be to God” for the wonders of nature and the stirrings of the sea.  That gratitude is at the heart of all we are meant to be about in life.

So, the question of the day, for me anyway, looks to gratitude and to those for whom we must be grateful.  People and situations, God and Faith that is the “wind beneath our wings” and allows us soar above our doubts, worries and pains to find peace for the moment and strength for the journey.

Gratitude for wings unclipped … gratitude for the wind beneath them …. gratitude for stories that can still capture our imagination.  Gratitude for Jesus’ ministry on Earth, his Ascension and promise to send us, as he has done, the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit who ensures good ideas become lived reality …..

and the song to go with it ….


Loved this …

Loved this …

Watched the Centenary Concert last night.  A fine production, of which all taking part and organising may be justifiably proud.  I especially liked the rendition of Grace by Danny O’Reilly from The Coronas who joined forces with his sister Róisín O’ Reilly and cousin Aoife Scott.  Filmed in Kilmainahm Gaol only added to the effectiveness of this most beautiful song.  Well done RTE.

Liking this!

Liking this!

It’s among my favourite Carols and I came across this version yesterday. Thought I’d share.


On Tuesday December 15th, there were two performances by schools of the parish.  The children of St Teresa’s N.S. Kilkelly brought us to St Celsus’ Church and guided all there through a lovely and musical telling of the Christmas Story.  A lovely moment, among many, was the journey of the Little Drummer Boy (and so he was) to join Jesus, Mary and Joseph in the borrowed shed.  Couldn’t but be proud of them all.  A few video clips and images from the gathering and of a beautifully decorated Kilkelly (Crib included). Well done to all involved.


The Church gathering concluded with a candlelight performance. Thought it worth a video recording.  Think it was the right call! Enjoy.


There was another performance by the pupils of Tavrane N.S. in Kilmovee Community Centre.  A great variety of talent on show and some very amusing moments.  Well done to all involved there too.  Sadly, phone battery had ran low so no video footage and only one photo!  That said, many parents were recording so the fine performances of the evening will long live into the future.  Rightly so too! It’s a pity you cannot “hear” this photo.  Five musicians all.

Proud of you!


Meeting Ed Sheeran

Meeting Ed Sheeran

Nobody was as surprised as myself.  I’d been at a wedding reception that day and came home late enough.  I knew that Ed was playing his second concert in Croke Park and the reviews of the first concert were, without exception, positive. I knew that some people from the parish had gone to see him and the feedback was good.

I found myself in a long line of people.  Again, I was surprised.  I was there but not sure how I got there.  I had thought about what a positive influence Ed had been in the lives of 160000 plus people over two nights.  Though I used to like Garth Brooks, I couldn’t help but think there was more sincerity in Ed.  I wondered was he Catholic (couldn’t answer that until just a few minutes ago when I Googled and discovered his roots are Catholic, that he sang in a choir but that he doesn’t discuss religion or politics in public – probably a good call). My wondering I think was found somewhere in the wedding reception I’d been at.  I sat at a table with a good priest friend (some twenty years older than myself) and he commented that the group at the table with us was “very young”.  I jokingly said I knew that and that I felt very old, then the killer line “I can’t imagine what it must feel like for you!”  We both laughed but knew somewhere there was a truth in it.  I think that’s what put Ed in my mind.  I thought if he ever decided to become a priest what an influence for good he’d be or failing that, if he spoke in a positive way about how much the Faith meant to him, again, the potential for a lasting impact made for …. well at least, a consoling prospect.

As I stood in line, I realised Ed was moving along the line. He was meeting fans, taking part in “selfies” or, as I’m now told if more than one person is featured “us-ies” and sharing the enthusiasm of all gathered.  I felt a bit out of place but figured it must be intended I’d be there just at that moment. I wondered what I’d say to him. To be honest, I don’t know his songs very well but heard him sing “The West Coast of Clare” on the South Wind Blows (Radio 1) earlier in the evening and I knew he did a mean version of “The Parting Glass”.  Maybe I’d get away with mentioning them but somewhere I thought I should use the moment better.

I decided to tell him I’m a priest and that I’d love to think he might use his gift and his presence to so many to encourage people to seek lasting values, to enjoy life, its music and opportunities.  Of course I knew I’d not have much time but maybe that would be enough.  Chances are he’d just move on but maybe, just maybe, he might think sometime about what that man said to me and think “do you know what, he”s not wrong”!!  I didn’t expect him to change his personality or become “born again” or anything but that he might, from time to time, give favourable mention to something so important.

He was just a few people away from me.  I feared it might be too much to say but figured I was in this line-up for a reason. I had no idea how I got there ……

Ed was an arm’s length and handshake away.  There was a noise somewhere that didn’t have it’s place in this moment but I had to see what it was.  I have no idea but

I woke up and, there was only darkness in my bedroom, the clock said it was around 4am!!  My mind went to 10am Mass and I wondered if I’d tell them about this but decided against!!

So Ed, or any friend of Ed’s out there …. maybe we’ll have a chance sometime to have this conversation but in the meantime, keep singing, visiting your grandmother and rejoicing in the fact you have a good family!!

I’m sorry we didn’t get to meet.

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