Keeping it going!!
I have been adding to the blog during the week but the few bits are under the LENT 2012 heading. Just in case you think I’ve fallen asleep! Click on…
Vincent Sherlock - thoughts on the journey
I have been adding to the blog during the week but the few bits are under the LENT 2012 heading. Just in case you think I’ve fallen asleep! Click on…
Might try to keep a few thoughts going through my head and “cyberspace” during Lent. Added a new page tab “Lent 2012” to the menu above so keep an eye…
Do you love or hate the Alarm Clock? It has many shapes and sizes now – from the old traditional clock to maybe clock radios, iPod Docking Stations, mobile phones…
I received this picture during the week. There was a caption as well but I thought I’d see who might come up with a good caption so be creative and…
This weekend includes a World Day of Prayer for the Sick (February 11th – Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes) and is a timely reminder for a remembrance in prayer…
I got Leonard Cohen’s new album “Old Ideas” during the week. The songs, as usual, are thought provoking but one, in particular caught my attention. It’s called “Come Healing” and…
There has been a lot of talk this week about First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Sadly the talk has focused on situations where people feel they have to borrow money…
Hi, just in from morning Mass in Kilmovee. Lovely to see so many people there and what is certainly a wet and dreary Sunday morning. There were one or two…
Received this from a friend during the week! No more needs to be said 🙂
Was looking through some YouTube video clips I’ve posted and this one – an aside and a little joke …. A man walks into a restaurant and as he goes…