The people in front of you

The people in front of you

We had a lovely gathering in Urlaur Church last night.  It was around the Vigil Mass and an Enrolment Ceremony for thirty-eight young people from the parish who are to be confirmed this year.  The gathering was timely, as it filled the church almost to capacity and went some small way towards easing the pain and grief felt by the absence of one of our regular and faithful parishioners, Nuala Hawkins, who died unexpectedly during the week.  To see the church almost full was as necessary as it was heart-warming.

Speaking to the boys and girls from our Confirmation Classes in Tavrane, Kilkelly and Kilmovee National Schools, I told them of a homily I’d heard a few months ago.  It was preached in Knock on the third Sunday of May, the traditional day for our Diocesan Pilgrimage to the National Shrine.  We share the day with the Archdiocese of Dublin and the homily was preached by one of the priests of Dublin, Monsignor Dan O’Connor. He shared three stories with us, all from his own ministry, where he encountered young people who experienced the Holy Spirit in their lives, long after they had celebrated their Confirmation Day or perhaps expected such an encounter.  I shared one of the stories with last night’s congregation.

He told us of a young boy in a secondary school where Dan worked – indeed all three stories came from that time of Dan’s ministry.  He was a typical and lively student, full of fun and always up for some excitement. Dan recalled one day when a class was out at the front of the school, taking P.E. instruction from its teacher. Dan was walking towards the school when he noticed a window open upstairs, a water hose come out and within seconds all on the ground were being soaked from the vantage point of an upstairs window.  Running up the stairs, Dan encountered the young lad, still spraying willfully at all and sundry below.  “What are you doing?” he roared.  The lad turned around, whilst continuing the spraying and said “A Safety Drill, Father”.

Years later Dan received a letter from a diocesan bishop in Canada, seeking a reference for this same young man who had volunteered to be a Lay Missionary in his diocese.  Contacting the lad’s mother, to enquire about this, the mother’s reaction was “I’ll kill him”.  Later, when speaking with the young man, Dan realised the request was indeed sincere.  When asked why he wanted to do this, the lad – now a man – replied “When we were confirmed, Bishop Dermot O’Mahony told us that one day the Holy Spirit would let us know what he wanted us to do with our lives.”  He continued, “I was at the Niagara Falls and it came to me that I should give some time to my faiith and sharing it and I thought I’d like to volunteer for this work for a few years”.  He did. During his time he met and fell in love with another Lay Missionary and they are now married and living in Scotland “Where”, Dan concluded “ironically he is now a Fire Fighter”. The point, well made, was that the truth of Bishop O’Mahony’s words came to fruition – “fruition” now there’s a word!  We speak about the “Fruits of the Holy Spirit”.

At this morning’s Mass in Kilmovee I briefly shared the second part of Dan’s homily.  A story again from that school and about a young girl that everybody loved.  She was full of life, bright eyed and cheerful.  She lived for fashion and her dream was to work in the Duty Free at Dublin Airport where she’d have access to discounted cosmetics.  I think, if I remember it correctly, that part of her dream was fulfilled.  Years later Dan was asked to go to visit her in hospital. He went but was not totally prepared for the shock that awaited him. The girl’s long and beautiful hair was all gone but her eyes were bright though her story was not good.  She reached under her pillow and handed Dan some folded sheets of paper saying “That’s my Funeral Mass and I want you to say it.  I did this all this because I know Mammy won’t be able to”.  Dan was shell-shocked.  He asked her how she was able to do this and she told him the day the diagnosis was confirmed she was devastated and found herself in the hospital’s chapel.  Again, she spoke of her Confirmation Day and of her being told one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is courage.  She prayed for that gift and believed she received it. So did Dan. So do I.  With the gift she faced what followed.  Dan told us he celebrated her Funeral Mass within two weeks of that conversation.

Last night I got a message from someone again saddened by revelations of the Church’s blotted and tear-stained history. The message was along the lines that some of the awful happenings of our past were done by people who were not catholic other than in name or position.  Acknowledging too that there were always good people in the church but that there were some too who acted in a way that was anything but Catholic of Christian. “The people who will be in front of you tomorrow”, the message read “are the real Catholics”. The message went on to say that maybe in the past people came to church and claimed the name Catholic more out of fear than choice. Nothing new was being said here but I knew what it meant and the truth of that statement “The people who will be in front of you tomorrow are the real Catholics” was not without merit.  The message concluded with a voice of hope “I think the church can now be what it is meant to be”.

Today, I thanked the Catholics who were in front of me at Mass.  Today I pray that we will all embrace our faith and nourished by it and dependent on those gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit mentioned earlier, we might seek to be better people – focused and faith-filled.

In fairness, I believe some of the Catholics were also at home – perhaps for different reasons, some having decided they don’t need to come to Church to be Catholics. There’s a truth in that too but it’s a very big and important part of our faith. Indeed, as I walked back to my house, I noticed a football team training on the Astro Turf.  It struck me that they only way they can effectively train as “team” is by being together. Training “at home” or in the gym has its merits but the only way the team can truly function as a team is by being at training together. I see a link here ….

“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful and en kindle in them (in us) the fire of your love.”

Rainbows and Promises Kept

Rainbows and Promises Kept

We've begun!

Nuala Hawkins, R.I.P.

A priest in the neighbouring diocese is offering "DRIVE-THRU" Ashes today.  It's intended for those who might not have time to attend Mass today and there's merit in it. Those who choose to stop the car and interrupt their journey will be marked with the Lenten Sign that is Ashes.  Come night time, they'll have faded away but the moment of contact will not be forgotten.

I just had Morning Mass here in the parish - one of three I'll celebrate today - and again that mark has been made.  It's not about show or display but, I think, a willingness to allow ourselves be marked in His name.

There's a sadness in our Parish this Lenten morning since one of our parishioners died suddenly and unexpectedly last night.  A woman, in her mid-sixties and full of life, who had so much to give and live for. She worked very closely with me in Urlaur Church - where she was sacristan but much, much more. When I came to the parish she was a member of the Parish Pastoral Council and served two terms, bringing to it many of her talents. Indeed the Early Morning Mass for Lent that we've just celebrated was her suggestion a number of years ago. She planned on being with us this morning - she was, in our prayers and thoughts around her and her family.

She noticed the things I'd so easily miss, point them out but only when she had an idea in mind to do something creative and meaningful. Last Saturday, she pointed out that the Thurible was in serious need of cleaning.  Typical of her, before pointing it out, she had gone on line to find out the best ways of cleaning something that had been left far too long without cleaning.  The remedies were amusing but I knew she'd follow through.  She told me she was going to take it home to work on it and added "I hope you won't have a funeral".  I assured her we'd manage and thanked her for her attentiveness.  Her husband came home from work yesterday to find her dead on their kitchen floor.  He called me and I went immediately, shocked and scarcely able to take in the reality that she had died.  As I bent to pray over her and for her, I noticed that she was holding in her hand the little tray from the Thurible - shining as it had not shone in years.  Her final act of service to God was cleaning the Thurible from which arises the incense of prayer.  It shone in her hand as she had shone in our midst.  I blessed her with the Holy Water of my tears that are again flowing as I write these words.  There are so many good people around us and often we may well not give them the recognition they deserve.

About an hour before I got the call, I was in Ballaghaderreen and took the picture of the rainbow, featured above.  I love rainbows and this one just seemed to end or begin (depending which way you look at it) from this little row of houses on the Castlerea Road.  There's a promise linked with the Rainbow - an Old Testament Promise that God would never abandon HIs people.  I pray that Nuala Hawkins, the woman I speak of, has encountered the fullness of that promise.

So - the thought for today - make the most of it for those with whom you share life, value them, thank them, reassure them, acknowledge them and pray with and for them.

Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped of his garments

Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped of his garments

We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.  Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

In many ways this is the cruellest of the stations – cruel in that it is so unnecessary.  Who could possibly have wanted the garments he was wearing – bloodstained, sweat soaked, torn and destroyed?  What was to be gained in taking them? The one who won the casting of lots for the seamless garment – what did he do with it?  Quite likely it never made it beyond Calvary.  That’s what so cruel about it – that it was beyond, way beyond what was needed.  It was violation at its worst.

To take away what’s left to a person is wrong.  Quite often the one thing we have in life that is unique to us is our name and ideally we can place the word “good” before that – our “good name”.  There are times it may well be all that we have left.  Yet, at times, it is taken too.  Taken with vengeance and determination so that, like Jesus on the Cross, we are left emotionally naked with nothing to cover our shame, disappointment or brokenness.

What is it that drives people to the point of wanting to do this to another?  Hate, you’d imagine, has to be at the core of such a choice.

Is it possible we need to feel the draft of nakedness ourselves and the vulnerability of losing what’s left to us before we can truly reflect on the need to leave others their dignity.

That “Golden Rule” pops up again, “treat others as you would wish them to treat you” ….  It’s likely there’d be a lot less ripping, a lot less tearing, a lot less cutting if we allowed that sink in a bit more.

Oh, that today we would listen to his voice, let us harden not our hearts.

The Third Station: Jesus falls for the first time

The Third Station: Jesus falls for the first time

We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.  Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

Was it a pebble or a rock? Was it a push or a slap?  Was it verbal abuse or fatigue?  Was it ….. We’ll never know what led to the first fall but we can be certain it wasn’t easy.  Even burdened beneath the weight of the cross, there is a pride that keeps us going – a sort of determination not to lose face.  We’ve all done it, a stumble and then a quick look to see if anyone noticed and, depending on whether it was noticed or not, embarrassment or relief.  We might be able to pull off the stumble, maybe even to put it down to error but there’s no denying the fall.

There’s something very sad about seeing someone who has fallen on the ground – fallen on hard times, fallen behind. There’s a genuine wish, especially if they’re known to us and loved by us, that the fall hadn’t taken place.  It’s uncomfortable to watch someone on the ground.  It’s a degrading place to be and, quite often in movies and plays, the man on the ground is to be pitied since he’s at the receiving end of brutality.

Such is the case in this third station.  Jesus’ fall has come.  He doesn’t call it his “first fall” since the hope is that it might be the only one.  As we will see later on, this hope was not realised.  Jesus came to pick up the fallen so maybe it’s not without significance that he is presented here as a man, mouth under, face down on the ground.  It’s a moment of choice. Stay there or get up.  We know the choice he made.  It would not have been unreasonable were he to say, “No, I can’t go any further.  What you’ve to do, do here ….” but no, he found his feet again and continued the journey.

This seems to be a station for the fallen one – for all of us who have been caught off guard and who have lost our footing.  Don’t lose hope, feel the ground beneath you not so much as threat or enemy as launching pad to make  a fresh start.

Let’s get up ….. the ground isn’t the best place for us.

Oh, that today we would listen to his voice, let us harden not our hearts.

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