I get to like tunes or songs because of a story behind them or a link. I was never the biggest Bob Dylan fan (I think he can live with that) but I came to love this song of his, having heard it sang at end of a concert performed in the wake of a tragedy that occurred in Sandy Hook Elementary School where twenty children (aged 6-7) and six staff members as well as the gunman died. Horrific moment and, one sadly re-lived all too many times. People in Newtown Connecticut put on a concert – among those performing the parents of one the children who died. It is an incredible concert and ends with all singing “Blowing in the Wind”. I played it today badly, sitting at my kitchen table, but they sing it wonderfully from the very depths of their hearts and souls. Have pity on me! Respect them. Maybe as your children are at home from school in the strangest of circumstances, give thanks that they are in your kitchen and running around in the back yard. These days will pass.

That’s why I got to like this tune.

As Bob Dylan intended it!!!
From Sandy Hook Concert – Newtown, Connecticut 2012

By Vincent

One thought on “The answer”
  1. My favorites are, the Beatles ” let it be” Phil Collins, ” another day in paradise” Liam Lawton ” there is a time, also hidden place and psalm 21 for last week,. My fab is the byrds ” turn turn turn”.

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