It seems like just last week …..
To the people of the Tubbercurry Cloonacool Parish  and the virtual parish that joins us via social media
Three years ago I moved to live amongst you. I mentioned before that the night I arrived, my dog (Alpha) was before me as I walked into the house here to make it my home. Alpha sniffed floors, doors, wandered from room to room and then lay down in the hallway. I looked at him and thought, if he can do this, so can I.
A half hour earlier I had put him in the car in Kilmovee. There was a reality, for me, in that moment of putting Alpha in the car because I knew that the house that had been home to me for twelve years and to Alpha for nearly as many, was about to become an image in the rear view mirror. There was sadness but hope and gratitude too. Hope that all would be well and gratitude for the many friends I had made and experiences lived amongst the people of Kilmovee, Urlaur, Glann and Kilkelly.
My mind wandered back to August 1987 when I moved to my first appointment in Carracaslle and Rooskey. I celebrated my first Mass in Carracastle on the Vigil of August 15th and was about to do likewise in Tubbercurry. I thought of how much had changed during those years, grieved again the loss of my parents, family and friends who had died during those years. Wondered about our church and how much had changed there too and looked for something that was constant in it all. I decided, rightly or wrongly, that I was part of that constant. Despite the changes of the years, I still wanted to be a priest in a parish and still believed that I had the ability and conviction to be that.
I knew that I was replacing a man who, unlike me, knew no limits to self-giving and hard work. I knew that he had given every fibre of his being to ministry in this parish and that the expecations would be high. Alongside that, I knew as well, that the parish had been without a resident priest for some time and hoped that might win me a few degrees on the barometer that was Fr Martin Jennings!
The start was good! I felt welcome from the very first minute and at home in both churches. I was particuarly shocked and, at the same time, chuffed, to turn towards Cloonacool Church on 15th August 2021 and see a display of bunting and flags and a banner that read “Welcome Fr Vincent”. There were candles lighted on the candleabra in the shape of the letter V and I knew for certain, that without knowing me or hearing me, people had trust in God and hope that the new fellow wouldn’t do any harm!! I felt at home.
A few weeks earlier I had visited Cloonacool Church, sat there for a while and looked to the Station of The Cross that was beside where I was sitting. It was the Sixth Station, in many ways my favourite, where Veronica wiped the face of Jesus and I prayed that, like her, I might be able to help people from time to time as we walk the way together.
A few weeks after I came here, a man called to visit me. He told me that I was very welcome and mentioned that he he had noticed my car at the house and he shared a memory with me. He said many years ago, he had passed the church on a tractor driven by his father. He was only a boy at the time and told me he recalled his father blessing himself as he passed the church. As they passed the priest’s house, his father looked in and said: “I like to see the priest’s car at the house. It makes me feel safer”. I thought it was such a lovely comment and memory and, in it, the man seemed to be saying to me that he was pleased to see my car there now. In the absence of a priest, there had been no car outside and now that day had passed. I truly appreciated that comment and reminder that I have a part to play in helping people feel safe.
Alpha settled, as did I, but later became ill. I had the opportunity to be Veronica to him for a few months before the final goodbye. Through the kindness of my brother and sister-in-law a new dog came along, Indy, and another journey began.
So three years on, I celebrate Mass here this evening on the 15th August and do so with much gratitude in my heart. I am thankful to all in Tubbercurry and Cloonacool who have made me feel welcome here. I am thankful to all in the parishes I was fortunate enough to spend time in through the years. I am thankful for your kindness, your prayers and your support. I am grateful as well to Bishop Paul, who has since left us to minister in another diocese, for asking me to come here. To his credit, he gave me the choice but as I said then and firmly believe, he did not have much choice so I was happy to say yes, despite knowing that I was leaving very good people. In fairness and, in honesty, I have never regretted saying yes to Bishop Paul. That is down to you and the happy memories that I have been able to hold on to from other places and people.
There is not a single doubt in my mind that I could and should do more but, God willing, time is on our side. Another year begins tomorrow and, maybe this will be the best year of all!!!
God bless and thanks,

By Vincent

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