

Hello again!  Met some good people the past few days.  On Friday I met Áine Doddy who is from Ballymote. She works with CONCERN in New York.  With her I met a work colleaque from Concern, Siobhan Owens from Sligo and her husband Finbarr O’Hurlihy from Letterkenny.  We had a lovely time chatting and it was great to see Aine again and to meet her friends.

On Sunday I called out to see my cousins, John Gaffney and his wife Diane who live here in Rockville Centre.  Their daughter, Sarah, is getting married to Ben  in the cathedral on Saturday next.  I called to meet the family and to meet Sarah’s “in-laws”, in waiting.  We had a very pleasant lucnch which I had to leave (no, I had the food first!!) because I had 5pm Mass.

My cousin Sarah and her husband-to-be Be

Sarah and Ben

I celebrated the 5pm Mass in the Cathedral and spoke of the man who went to church and left his cap on (remind me to tell you that another time!).  After Mass I met with Ken Lavin, his wife and daughters who are on holidays in New York.  They are heading home tomorrow and since I was on call here in the parish today they came out to see me.  We had a good time and some good stories and laughs were exchanged.

With Ken and Kathleen Lavin

With Ken and Kathleen Lavin

With Ken and "The Girls"

With Ken, Elizabeth and Deborah

Heading to Richmond tomorrow to meet my aunt Mary Margaret.  I’d be really shocked if there are not stories to tell from that visit 🙂

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