Martina McBride Concert

On Friday last I asked James McDonagh if he’d be interested in going to a concert in Castlebar on Saturday night.  Martina McBride was performing there and I didn’t know a lot about her other than I’d have liked some of her songs.  James said he’d go along so tickets were sourced (It’s all right James – I got them!!! James did pay €3.00 for car parking 🙂 ).  We met in Castlebar since James was attending a wedding reception.  The concert was AMAZING!  What an entertainer.  For almost two hours Martina gave it her all.  An incredible voice was matched by a keen sense of humour and an amazing band and back stage crew.  Full credit to the Royal Theatre too for making this venue a reality.  Second to none.

Martina spoke of family and of her three daugthers.  One of her songs “In my daughter’s eyes” speaks of a daughter feeling her mother can do no wrong but truth told a mother’s hopes for life, for future, for peace and for a better world are found in the daughter’s eyes and dreams.  A lovely thought and beautifully told and shared in song.

Another song Martina performed was entitled “Anyway”.  The lyrics are great and say that there are things we might do in life that aren’t fully understood or appreciated but so long as they’re the right thing to do they should be done anyway.  I searched Youtube and found the link … we’ll let Martina tell the story!


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