Ash Wednesday (#lent2015)

Ash Wednesday (#lent2015)


Ashes blessed, forehead

with blessed ash dressed

marked for the day and

called to pray

to fast to give

in faith to live

and trust his plan

for woman, for man

so here we start

renewed soul, mind and heart

our foreheads declare

“I was there”

when he, when she

when you, when me

saw him crucified

and tried to hide

lest we be named

and with him shamed

and marked we bow

not then but now

to say crucifixion no more

but him adore

and ask his strength

to live this Lent

day by day

to fast, to pray

to give, to live

and we as one

 journey begun

remember the loss

of the twenty-one of the cross

who in recent days

sought him to praise

as Calvary came

because they praised his name

On this blessed day

through ash and clay

we pray for PEACE

let senseless bloodshed cease.

“Turn away from sin …. be faithful to the Gospel” 

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