Finding Angels

Finding Angels

Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snows ….

They’re telling us that more cold weather is on the way!  I hadn’t noticed that it had left:)

Snow is again a possibility.  I like the snow insofar as you can take a few good photos but apart from that it literally “leaves me cold”.  After Mass the other day, I saw two children playing outside the church. No theme park on earth could have had as much potential for fun.  Snowballs, chasing each other, laughing and then, turning their attention towards me, an uninvited (and unwelcome) ambush!!  I marveled at the potential the snow had to take them to another place – a deeper place maybe.

Later that day I received an email from a grandmother, visiting with her grandchildren.  They had snow too.  She sent a photo of their afternoon’s work.  The snow delivered to them – an angel.  Where another might see a dumpy shaped snowman, cap on head, buttons for eyes and carrot for nose – somehow an angel was found.

Maybe that’s today’s Lenten thought.  Never doubt the potential to find an angel, even in the coldest of moments, most frightening of experiences or darkest of doubts.

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