Realised again that I have let a number of weeks pass without adding anything here.  Alas, nobody seemed to notice:)

Truth is, I have nothing much to add today other than say hello and that I haven’t given up on this.  I am always happy to meet people who tell me they check in here regularly and to occasionally receive a message about something I have posted.  I’d like to think this little space in the vastness of cyber world is doing more good than harm and that, from time to time, it hits the spot.

Advent is into its second week now.  I noticed a Tweet during the week from a man who said his local Parish Priest had asked people to pull a name from a box of some sort last weekend.  The names were of characters associated with the Christmas Story and the idea, as I understand it, was to journey through Advent giving some thought to this character and his/her role.  The man said that he had drawn “The Donkey” and was a bit amused by that.  I replied to him saying the donkey was a key figure and without him the journey would not have been made – or certainly not as easily.  The donkey was again there on Palm Sunday.  Loyalty.

I liked the idea and am wondering how I might use it in the parish.  We are going to have a small gathering on Friday evening and there may well be a box there – a box of names, donkey included!

I’m only saying!

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