St Patrick’s Day

St Patrick’s Day

Wishing you all a very blessed St Patrick’s Day.

I spoke earlier at Masses about the fire of faith St Patrick brought to Ireland.  Legend says he set flame to the fire on the Hill Of Tara – a call to recognise the Light of Christ and an invitation to draw closer to the Redeemer.

We all know the value of a good fire in the home.  It draws us is, warms us and leads to conversation in the family.  When a visitor arrives, a chair is pulled in and the circle widens but the fire remains central and essential.  A house where the fire has gone out can, all too easily, become a ruin or, at best, a poor reflection of what it could be.

I remember reading Nineteen Acres by John Healy.  There was an account that I can’t say I remember vividly but enough, nonetheless, to share a thought.  He was talking about a family emigrating and of the neighbours gathering in the family’s home the night before they left.  This was sometimes called “The American Wake” since there was a strong possibility that those leaving might not return.  Stories were shared and songs too.  Dances and memories long into the night.  When it came time to go home, one of the neighbours took a lighted piece of turf (coal maybe) from the fire and brought it home to add it to their own fire.  The imagery was around keeping the fire burning for this family until such time as they’d be able to come home and start afresh.  The first fire they’d light would be taken from the neigbhour’s fire – the neighbour who carried the turf in the hope that one day it would make the return journey and be a continued fire for the family.

I liked the idea and maybe that’s where we are today – on St Patrick’s Day – wondering how best we can keep the flame of faith alive for those who might have “gone away” from church and faith.  The hope remains that we will do all in our power to keep the fire burning for them until that time when, with God’s help, they might face homewards and be united in Faith.

As an aside and as a LENTEN THOUGHT on this our National Feastday, I would like to share a video I posted on YouTube many years ago – after the inauguration of President Michael D. Higgins.  I litreally recorded it from the images displayed on the television and hope that I have not infringed copyright.  I recorded solely because I loved the piece and the sincerity of voice and music.  It is based on St Patrick’s Breastplate and is performed by Rita Connolly.  It turned out to be the most viewed video I ever uploaded!  Rita is the reason for that – not the quality of the video.  Anyway, take a few minutes and listen to “The Deer’s Cry”.

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