Soul Time in School

Soul Time in School

Lenten Display – Community School Ballyhaunis

In a secondary school today. Here to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation with the students. A number of priests here and the liturgy is organised by the school chaplain. Full credit to her for a job well done.

Out of my comfort zone a bit. I don’t have that much contact with this age group but have found them to be as sincere as they are welcoming. Genuinely good natured group.

My sense is that they know what they’re about. They are willing to engage with the celebration of the sacrament and clearly want to be honest.

It is time well spent. I wonder will they remember days like these? I hope they will and will remember, more importantly, that the Sacrament will always be available to them.

LENTEN THOUGHT: What are our memories of and relationship with this Sacrament of God’s forgiveness?

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